Sunday, December 2, 2007

Back to squrare one Hindhuism

It is very saddening to see the the effect the great scholars like SreeNarayana guru and Chattampyswamy had on Hindhus in Kerala on wane.Due to their efforts they could emanicipate the common populace from the age old draconian religious practices.They had changed the mind set of those illiterate people then,but what has happened to the people of today,though literate,they happily accepts anything in the name of belief.All sorts of Yagas and sapthahams are the norms of the day.Each and every temples in Kerala is trying to beat the neighboring temple by conducting new rituals.Where would all these practices lead us to?I am sure that this is going to benifit only those people who conducts such rituals like Thantris,Astrlogers,and religious heads.These guys give an impression to the devotees that all of their worries will be over once they participate in any of this events.Thus people, instead of trying to solve the problem with their own effort, along with the blessings of Almighty,leaves everything to God and neglect the effort needed from his side.So i think that we Hindhus needs to think seriously, the way our religion is moving, and tries to weed out the cancerous growth of unhealthy religious practices

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